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Mansfield, TX

I am retired, drawing my early out social security, and don’t yet qualify for medicare. I live with my daughter and her family because rents are too high for me to afford them. I applied for health insurance through the Marketplace and the cheapest plan I could get would cost me $468 and change per month, and would carry a $6000 deductible. I can’t get subsidy because I live with my daughter. So when I filed my taxes, I was informed that I would have to pay a $95 penalty next year when I file my taxes for 2014. Well that’s a no brainer – I’ll pay the fine, its a lot cheaper than paying for coverage that chances are I won’t use due to meeting the deductible. If we want real healthcare reform, why not allow adult children to cover their senior parents on their insurance when they live in the same house. Now that would be a great idea!
